Sunday, October 11, 2020


Most of the times parents ring up to ask weather they should postpone the vaccine because of danger of Covid 19. If you say no , they would again question " but will it be alright to take a risk of Corona ?" If you say yes wait for a few days , again the question will be " wont it harm if I delay"? All the concerns are genuine . The answers could be like this , do not postpone the vaccines unless you or your doctor are in qarantine so obviously you cant go . but if both are ok there is no reason to delay unless medical conditions like fever , diarrhea or any other illness warants a delay. How to ensure safety? Doctor must have sanitised the clinic and must have scheduled the children requiring vaccination in a different time slot not coinciding with diseased children. Doctor must have spaced the appointments , so you must go at appointed time only. The person taking child must wear a well fitting mask , any child above 5yrs old should also wear a well fitting mask. Dont take extra attendant. Do call the doctor from parking so that the clinic door windows are open and you can walk in straight without touching any object. Carry sheet from home which you can spread on designated area and sit down with the child. In the clinic do not talk . whatever questions are can be asked before reaching clinic on phone or after coming out on phone. The child should also be well conselled to keep quiet. Generally soothers are no good but at this time they should be used so young babies do not cry.Becase crying diseminates virus at high velocity even from asymptomatic patient. The spirit swab used for vaccine must be disposed of as biomedical waste in doctors clinic before you come out with baby. Paracetamol can be given for fever and pain after vaccination. So you vaccinated your child on time with all precautions. Now relax and keep consulting doctor as a part of TELEMEDICINE which is safe and eqqually effective.